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Product & Features

What is MotionMask?

MotionMask is a video editor that focuses on anonymization aka blurring or masking. Its AI can be used to mask people and/or cars.

What’s video anonymization useful for?

It helps with safety, ethics and privacy requests, keeps videos GDPR-compliant and provides non-disclosure for specific items.

Do I need to download or install anything to start masking?

No. MotionMask is entirely web-based so you do everything in your browser.

What operating systems does MotionMask run on?

Since it’s web-based the operating system matters less, but it works perfectly with both Windows and MacOS.

What kind of AI does motionmask use?

It’s a super-versatile AI based on Deep Vision technology. It uses neural models to provide advanced natural video analytics, so you get human-like precision.

Does the MotionMask team ever see my video?

No. The processing is 100% automatic, so your video stays completely private. Someone only interacts with your video if you submit a Custom Masking Request, in which case one of our team members handles specific blurring.

Can I integrate MotionMask into my product?

Yes, paying a plan gives you access to the API, so you can integrate MotionMask into your product.

Are there minimum technical requirements for using MotionMask?

No. But we do have recommendations on video quality: it’s best if you don’t upload footage with very low luminosity or dense crowds of people. In these cases the AI won’t identify elements with maximum accuracy

What video formats can I upload?

MotionMask works with .AVI and .MP4 files.

What’s the lowest supported resolution?

There isn’t a minimum, but the AI works better with a higher resolution. We recommend at least 1080p.

How long does it take to mask my video?

It depends on the size of the video and the number of elements you need to mask. 

Can I use MotionMask to blur any kind of video?

Mostly, yes. There are a few categories of videos we don’t support, you can check them out in our Terms&Conditions.

What is Selective Masking?

It's when you use the tool to select elements you want to anonymize individually.

What is Full Masking?

Full Masking is when we anonymize all the found elements (people and/or cars) in your video. In addition, Full Body Masking blurs people from head to toe while Full Car Masking does the same for vehicles. The alternative is to just mask faces or license plates.

What kind of items can I mask?

You can blur people or cars. If you need to anonymize something else, you can submit a Custom Masking Request.

What happens if I refresh the page during upload?

Unfortunately, this cancels the upload. You’ll need to start again.

What happens if I refresh the page during the processing stage?

Nothing happens, the processing goes on.

When do you charge me for masking?

We only charge when you download the video.

My upload progress stopped before hitting 100%. What should I do?

It’s okay to start again, there’s no charge until download.

Can I stop the masking process?

Unfortunately, the process can’t be stopped. The video will appear in your gallery, but minutes are only deducted when you download.

Is masking available for images?

For now, MotionMask only works with videos

Pricing Plans & Payments

Is MotionMask free?

There are several subscriptions, one free and the rest paid. Check them all out and compare them on the Pricing Plans page.

What payment methods can I use?

You can pay safely online with a debit or credit card.

Can I add users to my account?

For now, we only support one user per account.

Can I switch plans?

Yes, you can always go for a bigger or smaller plan. To discuss other changes, please contact us via the form.

Can I mix benefits from different plans?

Unfortunately not. Whenever you upgrade or downgrade your plan, you receive benefits from the one you’re switching to.

Until when can I use the minutes in my plan?

Until the end of the month, according to your subscription. Minutes don’t roll over to the next month.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

When subscribing, you only pay for one month at a time. The billing stops automatically at the end of the month, according to your subscription plan.

What happens to my videos if I upgrade or downgrade my plan?

They’re available for the storage duration specified in your new plan.

What happens to my videos if I cancel my subscription?

Already processed videos stay in your gallery for the storage duration available in your plan. Please check the Pricing Plans page to see storage durations for each subscription.


Why do I need an account to mask a video?

So as not to lose your progress while processing. It also helps us notify you as needed and set up your billing.

How do I get help if I run into issues with MotionMask?

During the Selective Masking process, you can check out the tutorial. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out via the contact form.

I need MotionMask to do something different, what can I do?

After your video has already been processed automatically, please submit a Custom Masking Request.

What’s the cost for a Custom Masking Request?

It deducts 3x the number of minutes in your video from the payment plan. The full video length counts, not just minutes involving anonymization.

How can I close my account?

Go to your Account Settings and use the Delete option.

How reliably is MotionMask available?

Our uptime is currently at 99,5%.

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